There’s nothing like vacuuming the floor after a long day at work!

…or cleaning the stove and dusting the whole house

How many times do we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and forget where our time is going? Call freedommaid to request a free estimate and then start making plans to spend time doing what you really enjoy.

All Rooms

We will dust large items and surfaces from top to bottom around the room and remove cobwebs. Then we will vacuum all of the hard floors, carpets, rugs and stairs. We will clean the sliding glass door and empty wastebaskets. Finally, we will mop all floors with a micro-fiber damp mop.

boise residential cleaners


We will clean and wipe appliance surfaces including stove top and countertops. We will also clean the sink and polish the fixtures, wipe cabinets, chairs and tables. We will not forget the inside and outside of the microwave and last but not least, we will clean and mop the kitchen floor and wash the kitchen window.


We will clean the sinks, tub and shower inside and out; scrub and sanitize the toilet bowl, lid, seat and base. We will clean and polish all of the mirrors and chrome. Then we will damp-wipe cabinet fronts and the vanity. Last but not least, we will clean and mop the bathroom floor.

We work very hard to use environmentally safe and responsible cleaning products when possible.

One Time :: Weekly :: Bi-Weekly :: Monthly